Community Development Projects
- IHCDA Blight Elimination Program Demolished 9 Abandoned Homes in the City of Dunkirk
- City of Portland Westside CSO Project Completed
- Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs Awarded $400,000 to the Town of Redkey for the construction of a new Fire Station
- Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs Awarded $400,000 to Jay County and Jay Community Center for the addition of a Senior Center addition on the Jay Community Center
- Planning for the Town of Redkey CSO Project
- City of Dunkirk was a 2015 Stellar Communities Designation Finalist
- Town of Redkey Awarded $3,898,000 in Grant Funding and $3,834,000 in USDA Bond Financing to complete the Combined Sewer Overflow Agreed Order by IDEM
- Completion of the Lafayette Street Extension Project
- Completion of the Dunkirk Train Depot Project
- City of Dunkirk Awarded $176,000 from IHCDA’s Blight Elimination Program to demolish abandoned homes throughout the city
- Award to the City of Portland for SRTS Sidewalk Construction
- USDA Funding of New Furnishings and Equipment for Expansion $58,800
- SRTS Planning Study for the Town of Pennville Awarded $37,450
- SRTS Planning Study for the City of Portland Awarded $59,700
- Awarded $572,570 from INDOT for Lafayette Street Expansion Project
- Awarded $386,313 from INDOT for Creagor Street Greenway Project
- Awarded $112,000 to the Town of Pennville for a new Fire Rescue Truck
- Completion of the Dunkirk Water System Grant Project
- JRDS Construction Grant Awarded $440,000 on a $500,000 project
- Dunkirk Library Planning Study $42,000
- Assisted with the 2010 Census!
- Alternative Energy Grants Awarded for the Community Resource Center, Portland Water Treatment Facility, Wastewater Facility, Jay County Highway Department, and FCC of Portland
- City of Portland CSO Grant for Steen Addition Awarded $500,000
- Sertech Project Growth Start Awarded $10,000
- Redkey Water System and New Water Tower Grant Awarded $500,000 Grant and $2.2 million Project
- Dunkirk Downtown Revitalization Planning Study Grant Awarded $50,000
- Salamonia School House Construction Completed and Portland Foundation Grant Awarded $5,000
- Jay County Chamber of Commerce Consolidation Study Awarded $2,500
- Jay County / Dunkirk Fire and EMS Station Grant Awarded $500,000
- JCH Mammogram Grant Awarded $10,000
- 211/4 Communities Grant Awarded $12,000
- Salamonia Construction Grant for School House Renovation $235,000
- Weiler Building Planning Study $50,000
- Bryant Planning Study $40,000
- Pennville Fire Truck Award $150,000
- West Jay Community Center Construction Grant $500,000
- Redkey Comprehensive Planning Grant $50,000
- Salamonia Planning Study for School House Renovation $20,000
- Pennville Fire Truck Award $150,000
- Pennville Comprehensive Planning Grant $32,500